T'Kala's Personal Log: Stardate 62959.5, Earthdate December 01, 2385.
What we all want is to find Eva. My compatriots and I both seem to be loosing hope for finding her here on Qo'nos. Attending more Orion slave-trade meets than Devon and I have ever cared to attend, none have yielded results. I am perplexed by this: if Eva did become a commodity of the attacking Klingons and given as a dowry, we should have some lead to help our investigation. But in all this time, there has been nothing to further our goal. Kabrina seems to be taking the standstill particularly emotionally. To this, I find myself trying to comfort her, but not knowing how to relate to such matters. I grown closer to her... to them both, and I do believe if our quest ends tragically, I will share in their disappointing sadness.
Time will tell, I suppose; time that seems to be moving very slowly on this foreign planet.
and then......?????????